Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging experience for families. Its consequences can extend beyond emotional upheaval. A divorce can affect many aspects of a child's life, particularly their education. As a parent going through a divorce, it's crucial to understand and address the potential impact on your child's education. Financial Planning for Educational Expenses After a divorce, one of … [Read more...]
Common Divorce Misconception: Fathers Never Get Custody of Their Children
Many people still think that courts prefer to award primary custody of the children to the mother. Although that may have been true decades ago, that is not the reality today. Traditionally, at the time when mothers stayed at home and took care of the children while the man of the house advanced his career, that may have been a natural solution when the couple split up. Now, it may be a … [Read more...]
The Impact of Parental Alienation on a Divorce Case
Children need both parents involved in their lives. Parents who divorce and have an amicable co-parenting relationship can have a positive impact on their children. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When one parent harbors anger at their former spouse and lets that anger show in front of the children, that anger can carry over and influence a child also to be angry at that parent. … [Read more...]
What Do Kids Want from Their Parents During a Divorce?
Children of all ages are generally upset when they find out their parents are getting a divorce. This is true even when they have heard their parents arguing and there is tension in the home. They do not want to experience the disruption of their family life as they know it. A few exceptions may be if there have been issues of a parent’s addiction or domestic violence. In those cases, children … [Read more...]
Dealing with Divorce and the Holidays: Part 2
The holiday season often presents problems with divorced parents. If they are unable to put aside their differences and either be together with their children or work out an agreement, they will need to follow the court’s standard possession schedule for the holidays. The Court’s Standard Holiday Possession Order Courts divide Christmas school vacation for the children into two … [Read more...]
When Divorced Parents Disagree Over Their Children’s COVID Vaccinations
Now that children aged 12 and over are approved for COVID vaccinations, some divorced parents, or those in the process of divorce, disagree about whether they want their children to be vaccinated. Parents may feel they are at an impasse and unsure of how to resolve their differences over this important issue. Parents often do not realize that a vaccination, which involves puncturing the skin, … [Read more...]
When Parents Do Not Agree on Vaccinating their Children
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is currently available for those ages 16 and up. Trials are being conducted and one source predicts that in the next few months, a vaccine will be available for those ages 3 to 17. This raises a serious question about what to do when parents disagree about whether their child should be vaccinated. The First Step: Look at the Court Order If your child is the … [Read more...]
How Do You Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce?
Possibly the worst thing about getting a divorce is telling the children. There is no perfect time to tell them but of course they need to be told by the parents as soon as possible so they do not hear this emotionally upsetting news from someone else. Parents Should Tell the Children Together If possible, the parents should put their differences aside and meet together with the children to … [Read more...]
What Is A Child-Centered Divorce?
A divorce can be so contentious that the parents, who are focused on themselves, lose sight of the needs of their kids. A child-centered divorce is one in which the children’s best interests are the primary concern of the parents. Putting the Children in the Middle When parents cannot agree on custody and the division of time each of them will spend with the children, the Judge will decide … [Read more...]
How Does Child Custody Really Work?
Child custody is one of the most contentious issues that needs to be resolved during the divorce process. Two people who are unable to get along, and who have decided it is so unpleasant to live together they simply cannot do it any longer, are expected to work together to make decisions that are in the best interest of their children. If the parents can’t set aside their differences to … [Read more...]