In years past, the typical American household consisted of a mother and father and two or more children. Today, families in the U.S. consist of a variety of configurations which readily include individuals living under the same roof who are distantly related or not related at all.
Much of the change in the American familial structure stems from the rising rate of single-parent households. In most cases, when a marriage or relationship ends, the mother retains physical custody of a child. The recent economic depression hit single-parent households particularly hard resulting in many turning to their own aging parents for support.
According to a recent study, today an estimated 10 percent of children in the United States live under the same roof as a grandparent. In many cases, these children live in a grandparent’s home and a grandparent acts as the primary caregiver.
Since 2007, millions of Americans have suffered financial hardships which have forced a growing percentage to rely upon family members for financial support. This seems to be especially true for single parents who may have been forced to work a second job or work more hours in order to make ends meet.
Texas parents who are struggling with matters related to child custody and child support would be wise to discuss their case with a divorce attorney. An attorney can assist parents who serve as the primary caregiver in obtaining child support payments from an ex-spouse or ex-partner. Child support payments can help provide for a child’s basic needs as well as cover medical and dental expenses.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Study Says More And More Grandparents Are Raising Their Grandkids,” Nov. 7, 2013