Property division in divorce can be complicated. How the courts divide the estate depends on the type of the property involved and when or how it was acquired. Particular attention must be given to division of real estate and retirement plans. The court must also determine which property is marital property and which is separate property. Marital Property Versus Separate Property Separate … [Read more...]
Dallas Family Law Blog
The #1 Way to Save Money in a Divorce
There are inevitably some expenses associated with getting a divorce, but there are ways to save money. The #1 way to save money during the divorce is to be absolutely straightforward and honest with your attorney. Why it Matters to Be Scrupulously Honest with Your Attorney You may sincerely believe that it is not necessary to give certain information to your attorney. The truth … [Read more...]
How to Communicate with Your Attorney During the Divorce
It is critical that an attorney and their client have good communication during the divorce process. What clients tell their attorney is confidential so clients can be open and honest without fear of the attorney revealing their secrets. Honesty and No Surprises Critical to the communication process is complete honesty by the client. An attorney cannot properly represent a client who is … [Read more...]
Addiction and Divorce
Sadly, in divorce situations, it is common for one spouse or the other to have some type of addiction to either a substance or a behavior. Addiction and divorce are difficult issues for the courts and the parties to resolve. Different approaches are used depending on which spouse is the client. Representing the Non-Addicted Spouse Often, one of the first things that needs to be done is to … [Read more...]
How Is A Divorce Different If It’s A Common Law Marriage Versus A Traditional Marriage?
The phrase “common law marriage” is often used to describe a couple who has lived together for some time. When they decide to end their relationship, the question comes up about how their parting will legally proceed. Will they participate in a traditional divorce or are there other considerations that will affect the “divorce” process? First it must be proven to the court that there was a common … [Read more...]
Can Someone Be Too Angry For A Collaborative Divorce?
A collaborative divorce is a process where the parties to the divorce work as a team with their attorneys and various professionals, such as a tax consultant, a child psychologist, a mental health professional, and others, to resolve their issues without court intervention. It is particularly beneficial to couples with children and helps them make parenting plans agreed to by both parents. One … [Read more...]
Child Custody: How Do You Manage Summer With The Kids?
School is out and divorced parents are working out their plans for summer child custody. The Texas Standard Possession order provides for the non-primary parent to spend 30 days during the summer with the children if the parent lives within 100 miles of the children’s primary residence. For parents who missed the April 1 deadline for submitting a request to the court to have their … [Read more...]
How to Handle Stress in the Course of a Divorce
Psychiatrists consider going through a divorce as the second most stressful life event. Only losing a spouse to death causes more stress. Although there is no way to totally eliminate stress in the course of a divorce, here are some steps you can take to decrease your stress. Suggestions for Handling Stress in the Course of a Divorce Talk to a therapist. They are trained to listen and … [Read more...]
Your Spouse Just Told You They Want a Divorce. Now What?
No matter how upsetting it may be to have your spouse tell you he or she wants a divorce, the best advice is for you to remain as calm as possible. Anything you say may haunt you later if your divorce becomes contentious and your spouse tries to use it against you. The first few days after you hear the news, consider doing the following. Keep your emotions in check. See a counselor, trusted … [Read more...]
How Does the Court Decide Who Gets to Make Decisions Regarding the Children?
The most important decision for parents going through a divorce is what happens to the children. Parents often will be appointed joint managing conservators, which means they will share in the decision about where the children live, where they go to school, how they spend their time during school holidays, and jointly agree to invasive medical or dental procedures. Less frequently, courts may … [Read more...]