It is suggested that any couple, including Texas couples, should consider signing a prenuptial agreement in case of divorce. While no couple enters into a marriage assuming that it will end up in divorce, a prenuptial agreement can actually protect the financial interests of both parties just in case. These agreements are beneficial, even if a couple is not wealthy. It is a common misconception … [Read more...]
Dallas Family Law Blog
Survey shows more men seeking spousal support
As more women obtain advanced degrees and seek fulfillment through professional advancement and success, a growing number of men are choosing to sacrifice their own professional ambitions and stay at home to raise children. This change in traditional gender roles has many implications, particularly when such a couple decides to divorce. A recent survey of 1,600 family law attorneys, … [Read more...]
Texas couples thinking of divorce should look for the signs
Making the decision to end a marriage is difficult. Whether the marriage is new or has been ongoing for a decade or more, choosing to file for divorce can be a hard decision to make. There are signs that a Texas couple can look for to determine if they are already on the track to ending the marriage and beginning a new life as a happy single person. Experiencing problems is … [Read more...]
New love interest reignites Frankel’s child custody battle
Marriage can be a difficult path to navigate and some spouses are ultimately better off going their separate ways. When a couple decides to divorce there are number of matters that must be sorted out. For couples with minor-aged children, matters related to child custody often trigger strong emotions and can quickly turn contentious. A parent who files for sole custody of a child often does so … [Read more...]
Collaborative law divorces offer dignity through the process
Getting a divorce is something that is usually associated with lengthy legal battles that can turn ugly. A collaborative divorce, however, is one in which both parties work together with experts to divide assets and come up with ways to care for the needs of children. Texas residents might be interested to learn exactly how this type of divorce works. In order for a collaborative divorce to be … [Read more...]
Preparation and foresight often ease divorce process
Dallas-area residents have likely heard of divorces or child custody battles that rage on for years. With planning and foresight, however, these types of contentious and drawn-out legal proceedings can often be avoided. In most cases, it’s in the interest of both spouses to settle matters related to the division of assets and child custody as quickly and amicably as possible. As with most … [Read more...]
When might a third-party expert help during a Texas divorce?
Choosing to have the assistance of a Dallas divorce attorney on your side is prudent whether a couple chooses an adversarial or collaborative approach. While an attorney has the legal knowledge to protect clients, legal training doesn’t automatically come with an expert degree in the fields of business, finance, real estate or other specific vocations. In a Texas divorce, there are some cases … [Read more...]
Study reports 7.7 million U.S. children live with grandparent
In years past, the typical American household consisted of a mother and father and two or more children. Today, families in the U.S. consist of a variety of configurations which readily include individuals living under the same roof who are distantly related or not related at all. Much of the change in the American familial structure stems from the rising rate of single-parent … [Read more...]
Can you catch a divorce?
The divorce rate in the United States is close to 50 percent today, so chances are many Dallas residents know someone who is divorced. Do you? Maybe a friend of a friend who you have met once or twice recently called it quits with her husband, or your brother and his wife just announced that they have decided to part ways. While some people may be upset upon hearing of a friend or … [Read more...]
Divorce advice for Dallas residents
Individuals going through a divorce are often overcome by negative feelings and thoughts. While difficult, experiencing these emotions if often necessary to allow an individual to eventually move on and forward. There’s no doubt that divorce is a difficult process and draining both emotionally and financially. There are, however, several things that an individual can do to help … [Read more...]