Many people in Texas are parents. While the parents are together, co-parenting and raising a child can be a little simpler. However, when parents divorce or split up, the parenting dynamics change drastically. The children obviously cannot be in two places at one time. In many situations, the children will end up splitting time between both parents' abodes. The parents will also still have to make … [Read more...]
Dallas Family Law Blog
Why do couples enter into prenuptial agreements?
Planning for a wedding is stressful -- dealing with various caterers, designers and event managers can cause a lot of anxiety between a couple. And, a prenuptial agreement can add further stress pre-marriage. Texas residents may be aware that a prenuptial agreement is an agreement a couple enters into before getting married that sets how the separation will take place, should a divorce occur. … [Read more...]
What is a collaborative law divorce?
Couples may often hesitate to put an end to their marriage because they are afraid of going through the legal system. They do not know how much money and time it will take, the emotional affect it might have on their children and the possibility of having their private information revealed in court publicly may be daunting. For those who want to avoid an uncertain outcome by going through court … [Read more...]
What laws apply to property division in a divorce?
Understanding the way property is divided is very important in a divorce. This is often the most disputed issue in a divorce, after child custody. Every state in the nation has a law about how to divide the couple’s property during a divorce. In most states, the law follows a standard known as equitable division, meaning that the division must meet guidelines of fairness. However, Texas follows … [Read more...]
Complete the adoption process this year with our help
Completing or expanding one’s family may be a resolution that many Texas families kept this year. As not everyone may be able to do so biologically, there are other options available to couples that would like to have more children and one of them, as discussed in last week’s blog, is through adoption. Whether one adopts a stepchild or someone else, the end result is almost always the same-a … [Read more...]
What should I know about the adoption process?
Making the decision to adopt is a significant and exciting decision. Growing your family through adoption, however, may bring up some questions about the process. Knowing the answers can help ease anxiety as you begin a new phase of your life that includes pursuing the adoption process. It can be helpful to understand the basics of the adoption process. To begin with, there … [Read more...]
How does the collaborative divorce process work?
The collaborative law divorce process is a beneficial process for divorcing couples to consider. Rather than sorting out divorce-related disputes through litigation and contentious exchanges between the spouses, the collaborative law divorce process is one that allows the couple to work together to reach a divorce agreement that saves time, money and bad feelings. Couples will need to … [Read more...]
How long will my divorce take?
Once a couple in Texas decides to end their marriage, they often want to do so as quickly as possible, so they can begin to move on with their life. Therefore, one of the main questions they may have during a divorce is how long it will take. Though there is no fixed time period -- that can vary from case to case depending on the circumstances-- there is a certain way the legal complexities … [Read more...]
Can I adopt my stepchild in Texas?
One of the main reasons families decide to adopt a child in Texas is because it gives them the opportunity to complete their family and give a child a loving, nurturing environment for them to grow up in. One type of adoption is a stepparent adoption, in which the spouse of a parent requests the adoption court for legal parental rights of the children of their spouse. The only … [Read more...]
Establishing paternity to facilitate adoption
Last week’s blog discussed how unmarried fathers in Texas can assert their rights with regards to their children. As mentioned previously, there are various ways to establish paternity and the benefits include the ability to visit or share custody of children. One of the biggest parental benefit that comes with establishing paternity is the right to object or consent to adoption of the … [Read more...]