Last week, this blog noted the importance of keeping a parenting plan centered on the needs of the child. However, in some child custody situations, parents may wonder if it is possible to create a secure and agreeable parenting plan.
A parenting plan is one way parents going through a divorce can ensure their children will have the best care and treatment from both parents regardless of the parents’ feelings towards each other. An ideal parenting plan is one that successfully promotes the best interests of the children while maintaining parental rights. Through a parenting plan, divorcing Texas parents decide where children will live and who will make important decisions for children, as well as other key issues such as parenting time.
It is possible for parents to create their own parenting plans, best suited to their individual circumstances. However, as discussed previously on this blog, a custody question may sometimes become a child custody dispute. Parents may end up using parenting plans as a way to get revenge on one another or allow their emotions to prevent a mutually beneficial decision. In these situations, the court is tasked with creating a parenting plan for the divorcing couple.
The court considers many factors when determining what is in the best interests of the children involved, including which parent is more involved with the child and the preferences of children aged 12 and older. It is possible, though, that the court will create a plan that ends up suiting neither party’s preferences. To attempt to avoid this situation, lawyers at Paula Lock Smyth Law Offices work tirelessly and passionately to ensure parental rights are not lost amidst the creation of parenting plans.
With years of experience under her belt and countless successful cases to her name, the founding lawyer of the firm works with parents to find a timetable that suits their needs while keeping the best interests of children in mind. Creating a parenting plan can be emotionally draining, but with the proper guidance, Texas residents can ease the transition as they move from one family structure to another.