No one plans for their marriage to end in divorce. It’s a tough time for everyone and emotions can run high. It is often difficult to keep those emotions in check. Sadly, sometimes this results in violence. To be sensitive throughout the process for the good of everyone involved is easier said than done. Here are some actions that you can take to prevent violence in divorce. Be careful about your … [Read more...]
Dallas Family Law Blog
The Pros and Cons of Each Type of Divorce
In a divorce, the issues of child custody, visitation and the division of assets and debts are resolved by one of 3 processes: an agreement of the parties, the collaborative divorce method or through adversarial litigation. There are pros and cons to each type of divorce. Agreement of the Parties – The Kitchen Table Model Most people don’t want their personal life aired out and on display in a … [Read more...]
Two Approaches To Divorce In Texas
In most cases, a divorce in Texas actually consists of two family law issues that are consolidated into a single case. Assuming that there are children and property, the first and most important issue that’s addressed involves the best interests of the children of the parties to the divorce. Don’t Delay After Service In nearly all cases, the petitioner must serve the respondent with a … [Read more...]
The right lawyer for a collaborative law approach
A previous post on this blog talked about how a person who wants to participate in the collaborative law approach to resolve a family law issue can still have his or her own attorney and is in fact encouraged to do so. Even though the approach in collaborative law cases is different-going to court is, during the process, is off the table-- an attorney still plays an important role and has an … [Read more...]
May I still have an attorney in a collaborative law case?
One hesitation a Dallas resident might have about using "collaborative law" to settle either a child custody or other family law matter is that they may think no one will be on their side of the negotiation table since everyone is, theoretically, working together to talk through issues. While this may sound really nice in theory, a Texan may worry that, in practice, it could mean his or her own … [Read more...]
Parental consent and adoption
Many couples in the Dallas area are not able to have children biologically and be considering adoption as a way to have a family. In other cases, a Texas may just have a kind heart and want to provide a home for a child who is in need of good care and support. In still other cases, it may be a stepparent or other close relative who has been raising a child for quite some time and just wants to … [Read more...]
Former congressman and wife may be close to divorce settlement
No two divorce proceedings are alike. Just as every person is unique, and every couple is unique, every breakup and divorce is unique as well. Some Dallas divorces go rather smoothly, with the spouses able to agree on the main possible points of contention. Other divorces don’t go so smoothly. The divorce of one former congressman and his wife is very much an example of a … [Read more...]
An unbiased, experienced advocate for fathers’ rights
Fathers in Dallas County should take heart in the fact that Texas statutes do not discriminate on the basis of a parent’s gender with regard to the issues of child custody and visitation. Still, it is an unfortunate fact that some people presume that mothers are more suitable custodial parents than fathers. Although in some individual cases a particular mother may be more suited than a particular … [Read more...]
Ways to establish paternity in Texas
The most basic aspects of the law can sometimes be the most complicated and confusing. Such is the case with the establishment of paternity in Texas. It is important to establish paternity for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which the best interests of the child, and the parents knowing who the biological father is. It is also important for providing support to the child … [Read more...]
Residency restriction issues can affect Texas parents
When two parents in Texas split up, it raises a whole host of legal issues surrounding the care of their child. Naturally both parents want to maintain a nurturing relationship with their child, and to that end, in child custody cases, Texas courts aim to see that a child is given the opportunity to spend frequent and regular time with both of his or her parents. This means that sometimes the … [Read more...]