Psychiatrists consider going through a divorce as the second most stressful life event. Only losing a spouse to death causes more stress. Although there is no way to totally eliminate stress in the course of a divorce, here are some steps you can take to decrease your stress.
Suggestions for Handling Stress in the Course of a Divorce
- Talk to a therapist. They are trained to listen and suggest ways for you to handle stress on a daily basis. Be aware that although HIPAA laws are pretty good about protecting your privacy, there may come a time, especially in a child custody battle, when counseling notes may be brought up. Still, a therapist or counselor is a person who should be able to help.
- Do not talk about your case with friends. They may be called as a witness in your case and will be asked to reveal statements you made to them. Better to discuss your case with your attorney, who needs to be kept up with recent developments.
- Avoid social media. Photos and statements you make can be used against you. Be aware that during a family law case, your life is going to be under a microscope, particularly if you are in a custody dispute.
- Stay as healthy as possible. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get some sleep.
- Avoid drinking too much alcohol and do not use any illegal substances. This means you should not smoke marijuana. Even though it is legal in some states, it is not legal in Texas. Judges in custody disputes view using these substances as a big deal even if you don’t.
- If your soon-to-be-ex makes you angry, do not snap back. Instead, take a deep breath. Count to 10. Remember that whatever you say in anger may later be brought up by your opponent in your case.
- Do not send texts or emails that you wouldn’t want read by a judge. Remember the phrase, “restraint of pen and tongue.”
It is important to remember that you will have to deal with your child’s other parent for the rest of your life. There will be school events, graduations, marriages, grandchildren, and other occasions that you will share. You do not want to burn bridges. If you can part with the least acrimony as possible, it will help in your dealings with each other in the future.
For More Information About Divorce, Contact an Experienced Dallas Family Law Attorney.
To schedule a free initial consultation with a Dallas Family Law Attorney, contact Paula Lock Smyth Law Offices at 214-420-1800.