There are many advantages to including neutral experts in the Collaborative Divorce process. Collaborative Divorce is not an adversarial process and one of its stated purposes is to keep the spouses out of court. With the help of their attorneys and neutral professionals who assist in educating and guiding them, the couple can move forward in their new life as single people without hostility and with the knowledge that they can be successful ex-spouses.
Advantages of Using Neutral Financial Experts

It is common for at least one spouse to come into the divorce process with little understanding of the couple’s financial situation. Generally, the other spouse has had the responsibility of managing the finances and paying the bills. Both spouses are likely concerned about what their financial future will look like after the divorce.
A financial expert is brought into the collaborative process to go over all the assets and income of the couple. Then, budgets are worked out for each of them. If they own a house, a mortgage broker can be added to the collaborative team to help them decide what to do about the equity in the house. Should they sell it and divide the proceeds? Should one spouse buy out the other’s interest? Can assets be divided so that one keeps the house while the other one gets a different asset? Options will be presented so the couple can make informed decisions and choose what is best for them.
Advantages of Using a Child Specialist
In traditional litigation, it is the Judge or jury that decide custody and visitation issues. Parents often fight over custody, both trying to be the winner, when often, after protracted, antagonistic and expensive litigation, there is no clear “winner.”
In a Collaborative Divorce, the focus is on how to make the transition the easiest and least disruptive for the children. Issues that need to be resolved include which parent the children will live with most of the time? Where will they go to school? Will they have to change schools? Will they be able to continue their extracurricular or sporting activities?
A child specialist will help the parents make these decisions in the most amicable way possible, always keeping in mind what is in the best interest of the children.
For More Information About Collaborative Divorce, Contact an Experienced Dallas Family Law Attorney
To schedule a free initial consultation with a Dallas Family Law Attorney, contact Paula Lock Smyth Law Offices at 214-420-1800.